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Visualizzazione post con etichetta [ ILLUSTRATION ]. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 19 gennaio 2025

Merchandising desgined for Luodvico Einaudi's 2025

On occasion of the new album "The Summer Portraits" by Ludovico Einaudi I've took care of the illustrations and the selection of the merchandising materials which will be sold during his world tour.

The tees are made of organic cotton and they are screen printed.

The bag is made of certified cellulose fiber...and may I add,da

Cut, sewed and printed in Italy


 #andotherlittlethingsstudio #ludovicoeinaudi #thesummerportraits

sabato 2 settembre 2023


It happens that an award-winning multidisciplinary creative director named Kuchar Swara ( creative director of the Daily Telegraph by the way) asks for a "twist" on Salvatori's new catalogue: "Spaghetti Tapware".... this is what I call an awesome (tricky) challenge! 

Kuchar found that the illustrations I'd drawn a few weeks earlier on the occasion of the opening of Salvatori's showroom in Soho N.Y., the perfect inspiration to give the catalogue "that touch".

Well I think we've achieved it. 

I've always been inspired by Saul Steinberg soul and hand. I've imagined something surreal, ironic and graceful "playing" scenes with the tape are collection designs by Elisa Ossino.

I do really hope you love it. 

"Spaghetti Tapware" ! Collection designed by Olisa Ossino.

Art Director : Kuchar Swara | Illustrations: Eloise Morandi 

Here foloows an abstract of the catalogue. 


Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara

Catalogue "Spaghetti Tapware" by Elisa Ossino | Art D Kuchar Swara 

venerdì 24 febbraio 2023


Salvatori has commissioned me the visual communication for the launch of their first Showroom in New York, scheduled to openin February 2023 in the heart of Soho.
The key visual of my graphic project is Gabriele Salvatori himself, CEO, heart and mind of the company. Opening the showroom in NY celebrates his dream and his incredible ability, energy, and lightness of movement in the world of design and in surrounding himself with talented collaborators. I wanted him at the centre of everything by creating his character that allowed me to communicate and play with joy, verve and irony without falling into self-celebration. It was a risky proposal and off the track, but I was certain that the poetics and irony of a simple gesture could strike at the heart. Good thing because I had no plan b, as always when an idea sticks with you. 
Once the charachter and the illustrations were made I could finally "start to play" with it. 
See next posts 2/3 - 3/3.

Let's start from the beginning: the very first doodles of a project which I loved to create at first sight. 


#andotherlittlethingsstudio #eloisemorandi

sabato 18 febbraio 2023

FOLDING BOOK designed for "CERVELLI RIBELLI" - "Fondazione Cervelli Ribelli" Onlus


Ho proposto di creare un libretto che accompagnasse il gioco da tavolo "La tavolata dei cervelli ribelli". Ero certa valesse la pena di spiegare ed informare il cliente cosa avesse per le mani. Non solo un gioco da tavolo (tavola:) ma una "visione" per cambiare la propria prospettiva nei riguardi del mondo dell'autismo, verso quei cervelli ribelli: una risorsa, non un limite.
Ho affrontato il progetto nel modo che preferisco: attraverso l'ARTE DEL FUMETTO".

La mia intenzione è stata quella di trasformare un messaggio delicato e complesso con semplicità, leggerezza ed immediatezza.
Ho cominciato dal protagonista del libretto: Tommy.

Tommy è il figlio del giornalista e scrittore Gianluca Nicoletti e fondatore di "Cervelli Ribelli" .

Tommy è un ragazzo autistico ma soprattutto un artista che con passione e senza sosta dipinge "strane creature" che prendono forma su tele, salterellano in esposizioni ed in questo caso sono arrivate ad animare un gioco da tavola, GENIALE.

#andotherlittlethingsstudio #gianlucanicoletti #graphicdesign



Pieghevole, Manifesto ed istruzioni del gioco "La tavolata dei cervelli ribelli".

Kit gioco “La tavolata degli animali ribelli”

Un pretesto divertente per scompigliare la tradizionale gerarchia che ha sempre dettato legge nell’attribuzione dei posti a tavola. Un sistema arcaico che viene in messo in discussione grazie a questo gioco, affidando alla sorte il compito di assegnare, di volta in volta, un ruolo a ogni singolo commensale.

Kit composto da: 6 tovagliette, un centrotavola con il regolamento del gioco e un dado in legno.

La collezione prende il nome dall’autore di questi disegni, Tommy, ragazzo autistico e figlio del noto giornalista e scrittore Gianluca Nicoletti.
Il progetto nasce dalla collaborazione con Fondazione Cervelli Ribelli Onlus, fondazione onlus il cui scopo è sperimentare concrete azioni che favoriscano l’inclusione sociale e lavorativa di persone con neurodiversità, oltre che diffondere cultura e informazione sul valore della diversità in senso più ampio.

 - L'autismo è una malattia per alcuni versi ancora 'misteriosa' e per la quale non esiste al momento una cura: l'autismo colpisce, solo in Italia, tra le 300 e le 500mila persone e le loro famiglie.

info e acquisto qui.


I proposed to create a booklet to accompany the board game 'The Table of Rebellious Brains'. I was sure it was worth explaining and informing the customer what they had on their hands. Not just a board game but a "vision" to change one's perspective towards the world of autism, towards those rebellious brains that should be a resource and not a limitation.
I approached the project in the way I prefer: through the ART OF THE CARTOON.

My intention was to transform a delicate and complicated message with simplicity, lightness and immediacy.
I started with the protagonist of the booklet: Tommy. He is the son of journalist and writer Gianluca Nicoletti and founder of "Cervelli Ribelli" . Tommy is an autistic boy but above all an artist who passionately and relentlessly paints 'strange creatures' that take shape on canvases, jump around in exhibitions and in this case have come to animate a GENIAL board game.

Kit game "The Table of Rebellious Animals" 

An amusing pretext to disrupt the traditional hierarchy that has always dictated the allocation of places at the table. An archaic system that is called into question thanks to this game, entrusting fate with the task of assigning a role to each individual diner.

Kit consists of: 6 placemats, a centrepiece with the rules of the game and a wooden dice.

The collection is named after the author of these drawings, Tommy, an autistic boy and son of the well-known journalist and writer Gianluca Nicoletti.
The project was born from the collaboration with Fondazione Cervelli Ribelli Onlus, a non-profit foundation whose aim is to experiment concrete actions that favour the social and work inclusion of people with neurodiversity, as well as to spread culture and information on the value of diversity in a broader sense.

more info here

- Autism is a disease that is in some ways still 'mysterious' and for which there is currently no cure: in Italy autism affects between 300 and 500,000 people - and their families. 

#andotherlittlethingsstudio #eloisemorandi

sabato 30 aprile 2016


Invitation inspired by FRIDA KHALO
Developed into Studio Paolo Bazzani


For the 40 Years of the KENZO has been designed a notebook celebrating the style and world of the maison with the important touch of Antonio Marras.
I've been working on the illustrations and collages.
Project developed into Paolo Bazzani Studio
Eloise Morandi


A challenging project: the invitation for the final fashion show of the international IED school of Milan.
Developed into Studio Paolo Bazzani.